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Do you BELIEVE in miracles?

Writer's picture: amydelpamydelp

Updated: Dec 20, 2022

I can’t believe I’m saying this…

but i think I might be a "conspiracy theorist".

Allow me to explain… ;)

I actually believe that a virgin got pregnant by The Holy Spirit and gave birth to The Son of God!!!

I imagine if you're reading this blog, you've also subscribed to that belief.

The Christmas story is so unbelievably outrageous that it has tripped up science and logic for thousands of years- and has for sure been classified as conspiracy by many.

And yet, this time of year we see culture give so much energy to fun, silly ,crazy ideas…

like asking kids to believe that a jolly old man rides on a sleigh led by a flying red nosed reindeer. Or, that there's an elf that sits on a shelf and moves around at night.

I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing to train our children to believe that impossible things could be real.

"For nothing is impossible with God." Luke 1:37

However, in my humble opinion, the problem with the Santa/Reindeer/elf thing is that my kids reached an age when they realized it wasn’t real.. and they had to shelf it for good.

That takes me back to the true Christmas story of Jesus. It requires a level of belief that goes beyond the manger scene that sits on our shelf each Christmas and then goes back in a box at the end of the season.

To believe in the Christmas story is to continue to believe that the impossible is possible.

This GOD-breathed miracle baby grew up and continued to perform countless unbelievable miracles.

  • - Turned water to wine

  • - Walked on water

  • - Healed disease

  • - Raised people from the dead.

  • - offered his life as a sin payment for the world

  • - conquered death and secured eternal life for all who...BELIEVE!

"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son that whosoever BELIEVES in Him will have eternal life."

Salvation is a miracle. Death to life. Old to new.

He is still the God of miracles.

There’s no formula I can share for the miraculous.

(If there were, it wouldn't be a miracle.)

God gets to be the God of the impossible.

We are just invited to BELIEVE.

Just like the women who touched the fringe of Jesus' robe...

(Artwork by Anthony Gurrola )

Belief is risky. It threatens to cost us everything.

Believing that a virgin can give birth is pretty crazy!

But, we see all through scripture that the return on investment in believing God is immeasurable.

This young virgin girl took the risk.

Mary responded to the angel by saying “may it be to me as you have said".

(Pictured: The Mary (Mother of Jesus) Tassel.

Here's the essence of the woman who BELIEVES like Mary.

"You are covered with the power of the Most High and filled with wonder, promise and praise!

That which is conceived in you is from the Holy Spirit.

The God in you causes His purposes in others to leap!

You are blessed and highly favored because you BELIEVE that the Lord fulfills his promises.

Generations will be blessed because you believe."

The word of God says;

"Blessed is she who BELIEVED that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her." Luke 1:45

May we be people marked by our crazy BELIEF in the miraculous.


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